2070 Health

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About Company

“Empowering healthcare innovation for a better tomorrow.”

2070 Health is India’s first Venture Studio focused on building patient-centric healthcare companies from scratch by bringing together futuristic ideas, exceptional founders, and a powerful innovation platform. The company aims to co-create meaningful healthcare companies in India by conducting deep diligence on impactful and futuristic healthcare concepts, bringing together founders and founding team members, launching companies using ready services stacks and playbooks, and expediting growth via its powerful Innovation Platform. 2070 Health has successfully built ventures such as Elevate Now, Nivaan Care, and Reveal Healthtech, and has been featured in various news outlets for its innovative approach to healthcare. The company is led by a strong leadership team including Dr. Pankaj Jethwani, Dr. Nikhil Hegde, Namit Chugh, Ankur Gulati, Sunny Gupta, and Bhavesh Hemani.